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Joanna Rozpedowski

Joanna Rozpedowski

Senior Non-Resident Fellow

Joanna Rozpedowski is a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, as well as a political scientist and international law scholar with an extensive international research portfolio and publication record.

She specializes in international human rights and humanitarian law, geopolitics, global security, U.S.-E.U. relations, climate and conflict migration, and judicial accountability mechanisms for international crimes. Her most recent publications focused on hybrid wars, laws of armed conflict, disinformation, and international laws guiding exploration in outer space.

She held visiting research appointments and policy fellowships at the University of Oxford and George Mason University worked for U.S. government agencies in Washington D.C. and Brussels, taught at universities in the United States and Europe, and presented her research at numerous international symposia, conferences, colloquia, and published monographs, book chapters, book reviews, and articles in academic journals and popular media outlets.

Professor Rozpedowski received substantial specialized training in international law and transnational organized crime at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, at Leiden University in The Hague, and at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

She is the recipient of the U.S.-U.K. Fulbright Award, the UNODC Best Legal Case Award, the Adam Smith Fellowship, and the Leadership Insitute Fellowship.  Professor Rozpedowski undertook research studies at the University of Liverpool School of Law, where she earned an LL.M. (Honors) in International Law with a specialization in International Human Rights Law, and a Ph.D. in Government and International Affairs from Durham University in the United Kingdom.



June 27, 2022

What Biden wants to achieve in Europe -- and whether he'll get it

Joanna Rozpedowski quoted

Non-resident Senior Fellow Joanna Rozpedowski tells Vox, "Afghanistan is an ongoing issue. Ethiopia, Haiti, and Sri Lanka. But the Ukraine conflict — I’m concerned that it will overshadow all of these crises, simply due to the immediacy and the proximity of that conflict to Europe."

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